Leandro L. Minku
Leandro L. Minku

Office UG39
School of Computer Science
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, B15 2TT

L.L.Minku ._at_. bham.ac.uk
+44 (0)121 414 6822


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Book Chapters

  1. SONG, L.; MINKU, L.; "Artificial Intelligence in Software Project Management", in Optimising the Software Development Process with Artificial Intelligence, ROMERO, J.R.; MEDINA-BULO, I.; CHICANO, F. (Eds.), Springer 2023 (in press). Book available here. Chapter also available here.

  2. MINKU, L. . "Transfer Learning in Non-Stationary Environments", in Learning from Data Streams in Evolving Environments, SAYED-MOUCHAWEH, M.; GAMA, J.; BOUCHACHIA, H. (Eds.), pp. 13--37, Springer 2019. Chapter available here.

  3. MINKU, L.; ESTERLE, L.; NEBEHAY, G.; CHEN, R. "Knowledge Representation and Modelling: Structures and Trade-offs", in Self-aware Computing Systems: An Engineering Approach, LEWIS, P.; PLATZNER, M.; RINNER, B.; TORRESEN, J.; YAO, X. (Eds.), Springer, 2016. Chapter also available here.

  4. WANG, S.; NEBEHAY, G.; ESTERLE, L.; NYMOEN, K.; MINKU, L. "Common Techniques for Self-Awareness and Self-Expression", in Self-aware Computing Systems: An Engineering Approach, LEWIS, P.; PLATZNER, M.; RINNER, B.; TORRESEN, J.; YAO, X. (Eds.), Springer, 2016. Chapter also available here.

  5. MINKU, L. "The wisdom of the crowds in predictive modeling for software engineering", in Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering, MENZIES, T.; WILIAMS, L; ZIMMERMANN, T. (Eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, 2016. Chapter also available here

  6. MINKU, L. "Which machine learning method do you need?", in Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering, MENZIES, T.; WILIAMS, L; ZIMMERMANN, T. (Eds.), Morgan Kaufmann, 2016. Chapter also available here