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Abstract Publications
- SWAN, J.; ADRIAENSEN, S.; BISHR, M.; BURKE, E.; CLARK, J.; DE CAUSMAECKER, P.; DURILLO, J.; HAMMOND, K.; HART, E.; JOHNSON, C.; KOCSIS, Z.; KOVITZ, B.; KRAWIEC, K.; MARTIN, S.; MERELO, J.; MINKU, L.; OZCAN, E.; PAPPA, G.; PESCH, E.; GARCIA-SANCHEZ, P.; SCHAERF, A.; SIM, K. SMITH, J.; STUTZLE, T.; VOSS, S.; WAGNER, S.; YAO, X.. "A Research Agenda for Metaheuristic Standardization.", Proceedings of the Eleventh Metaheuristics International Conference, Agadir, Morocco, 2015.
- MINKU, L.L.. "Software Effort Estimation Models -- Past, Present and Future", In: Dagstuhl Reports, Dagstuhl Seminar 14261 on Software Development Analytics, 2014.
- GOUSIOS, G.; MINKU, L.L.; NAGAPPAN, M.; SPINELLIS, D.. "Open Problems and Challenges in Software Analytics", In: Dagstuhl Reports, Dagstuhl Seminar 14261 on Software Development Analytics, 2014.
- MINKU, L.; VERGILIO, S. R.. "Utilizando Evolucao para Estabelecer Estrategias de Teste.", In: X Evento de Iniciacao Cientifica da UFPR (EVINCI'2002). Anais do X EVINCI, v. 1, p. 5-5,Curitiba, Parana, Brazil: Editora da UFPR, 2002. (in Portuguese)