Leandro L. Minku
Office UG39
School of Computer Science
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, B15 2TT
L.L.Minku ._at_. bham.ac.uk
+44 (0)121 414 6822
My Lab
Supervised / Co-Supervised PhD Students
- Dr Hao Tong (completed in 2024), thesis title: Advancing Optimization and Evaluation for Dynamic Capacitated Arc Routing Problems.
- Dr Gan Ruan (completed in 2024), thesis title: Knowledge Transfer in Dynamic Multi-Objective Optimization.
- Dr Xinming Shi (completed in 2023), thesis title: Novel Evolvable Hardware Based on Memristors. Follow up position: Lecturer at Queen's University Belfast.
- Dr Sadia Tabassum (completed in 2023), thesis title: Online Cross-Project Prediction of Defect-Inducing Software Changes. Follow up position: Postdoctoral Research Associate at King's College London.
- Dr Sneha Saha (completed in 2022), thesis title: Learning-Based Generative Representations For Automotive Design Optimization. Follow up position: Machine Learning Scientist at Lufthansa.
- Dr Honghui Du (completed in 2022), thesis title: Transfer Learning for Data Stream Mining in Non-Stationary Environments. Follow up position: Research Fellow at the University College Dublin.
- Dr (Michael) Chun Wai Chiu (completed in 2022), thesis title: Online Data Stream Classification in the Presence of Concept Drift and Class Imbalance. Follow up position: Teaching Fellow at Keele University.
- Dr Gustavo Henrique Ferreira de Miranda
Oliveira (completed in 2022), thesis title: Tackling Virtual and Real Concept Drifts Via Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Model Approaches. Follow up position: Assistant Professor at Federal University of Alagoas.
- Dr Dalia Sobhi (completed in 2019), thesis title: Continuous Evaluation Framework for Software Architectures. Follow up position: Assitant Professor at Arab Academy of Science and Technology and Maritime Transport.
- Dr Liyan Song (completed in 2018), thesis title: Learning to Cope with Small Noisy Data in Software Effort Estimation. Follow up position: Researcher at Southern University of Science and Technology.
- Dr Rodolfo Cavalcante (completed in
2017), thesis title: An Adaptive Learning System for Time Series Forecast in the Presence of Concept Drift. Follow up position: Assistant Professor at Federal University of Alagoas.
Research Fellows
- Dr George Cabral (2018/19), topic: just-in-time software defect prediction. Now with the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.
- Dr Liyan Song (2019), topic: just-in-time software defect prediction. Now with the Southern University of Science and Technology.
- Dr Rodrigo Soares (2019), topic: semi-supervised learning. Now with the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.
- Dr Pawel Zyblewski, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, (2022), topic: data stream mining.
- Mr Olivier Zhang, Institut National des Sciences Appliquees RENNES (2018), topic:
prediction of asthma attacks.
- Ms Elena Ruiz, University of Granada (2018), topic: data stream
- Dr Xin Du, Fujian Normal University (2014), topic: software
architecture optimisation based on evolutionary
- Dr Xiuli Wu (2014), topic: software
project scheduling based on hyperheuristics.
- Dr Xiaoning Shen, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology (2013), topic: dynamic
software project scheduling based on evolutionary
BSc and MSc students
I have supervised several BSc and MSc students in the past. I am happy to supervise BSc and MSc students in the areas of machine learning and evolutionary computation. A list of available project topics can be found
here. I also welcome students to come to discuss their own ideas of project topics.